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Looking for Something?
I know what it’s like to get started. As a blogger myself, I was in beginner’s shoes once. Starting as a new mom who hired a website designer, I quickly discovered that I wanted to make it easy, convenient, and simple for anyone to start their own boss babe empire or develop their passion.
Creating a new blog can be exciting and fulfilling. But I have found that many people struggle with the first step in creating a new blog, and that struggle is choosing a blog name. But do not fret! Several factors will help you decide on the perfect blog name for your new blog. The following tips discuss how to come up with a blog name. These tips will help make the process a bit simpler and less stressful.
How To Come Up With A Blog Name
Using Your Own Name
This seems to be a burning question when it comes to creating a new blog. If you are comfortable with using your own name, then by all means, you can certainly do so. Please be sure to use Google and social media outlets to search to check to see if someone else with the same name may be using it already.
Time To Brainstorm
If you decide that you do not want to use your name, it’s time to start brainstorming a list of words. First, come up with a few topics that you will be writing about. For example, if your going to be writing about blogging, a few words for your list would be “how to blog,” “blogging for beginners,” “how to create a blog.”
Next, start brainstorming words that you may use when writing about these topics. Make a list of words that come to mind. After you have created a list, play around with the words. Put words together and see if anything sounds appealing. Add your words to a Thesaurus to see other words that might be compatible. You will be surprised how much this helps!
Keep Your New Blog Name Short And Simple
It is important to make sure the name is short and straightforward. Avoid using characters or symbols in your blog name. You want your name to be easily rememberable. Using characters or hard-to-spell words will make it harder for readers to find you. A good blog name should include 3-4 words.
Blog Name Generator
Use can certainly use a blog name generator like Panabee or Wordoid. These tools can be very helpful if you are stumped and need a push in the right direction.
Make Sure You Conduct Research
Once you come up with two to three names that you like, search all social media channels and google to make sure the name is not already taken. Also, you will need to make sure that the blog name is not similar to another blogger in your niche. Remember, your goal is to stand out from your competitors.
Social Squares
Ask Others
Of course, once you have created two to three names that you really like, as other people you trust. Another set of eyes and ears can be beneficial and inspiring. Be sure to take criticism constructively. Sometimes constructive criticism can help produce the perfect blog name!
For more WordPress blog tips and tons of blogging resources, join my email list! It’s FREE! And be sure to follow me on Pinterest.
If you take your time and follow the tips above, I have no doubt you will create the perfect blog name for your new blog. Remember, do not feel you have to create a new blog name in a day. Sometimes it helps to sleep on things and then start again rested and refreshed. Once you have created a blog name that you are proud of, exciting things are just around the corner!
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