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Premade Blog Theme Giveaway – 10 Winners Will be Chosen

Hi 🤗! I want to help you create a website you love 💕 where you are excited to work or blog. Come see our easy to use, feminine, beautiful designs.

WordPress Themes

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  1. Amee says:

    I would love to win the Color Burst Soft Theme!
    Thank you for offering such an awesome give away!!! 🙂
    Email: Amee0521@gmail.com
    Link was posted on my facebook wall: https://www.facebook.com/amee.eastman
    Posted to my blog at http://amee2.blogspot.com/2012/11/give-away.html and I also posted your button on my side bar. 🙂
    Thank you!!!!!!!!

  2. Superhero mom would be my choice. Love it. Thanks for doing a giveaway. Just found your site and became a follower. I’m new to the blogging. I would love the help.

    Thanks again,



  3. I would choose either fair events in plum or color burst in purple.

    I shared the button on my blog- http://bookbriefs.blogspot.com

    and I tweeted about it- https://twitter.com/BookBriefs/status/270911231664214016


  4. Sage says:

    I would love the Superhero Mom for WordPress:) It is so adorable!!!

    I tweeted – https://twitter.com/hernhomeschool/status/270936985257005056

    I shared on FB – https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=394434857298626&id=2058978

    Thanks for the chance!

  5. I like the Superhero Mom (Blue Cape/Brunette) for Blogger.

    website: http://www.supahmum.com
    e-mail: supahmum@yahoo.com

    Posted on Twitter:https://twitter.com/supahmum/status/271509240265445376
    Posted on my blog:http://www.supahmum.com/2012/11/premade-blog-theme-giveaway.html

    Good Luck everyone!:))

  6. Janice Brady says:

    Word Press – Twenty Ten
    Shared on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/bjkbrady
    Shared on Twitter – https://twitter.com/bjkbrady

    This is a great contest – thanks so much!

  7. Janice Brady says:

    forget to include my e-mail in the post for the contest – sorry!


  8. Elia says:

    I would love Superhero mom. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!
    website: http://www.conservamome.com (you can find button there)
    email: garrisonelia at gmail dot com

    Share on twitter as well :https://twitter.com/ConservamomE/status/272204112416870400

You’ve put in the work to make awesome content, now it’s time to dress up your site with a stunning design.


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