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Looking for Something?
I know what it’s like to get started. As a blogger myself, I was in beginner’s shoes once. Starting as a new mom who hired a website designer, I quickly discovered that I wanted to make it easy, convenient, and simple for anyone to start their own boss babe empire or develop their passion.
Bloggers struggle with finding time to blog. Life tends to get in the way of things and before you know it, it’s been a month since you last sat down to blog. It is hard to find the time and patience to blog. Whether you are a stay at home mom or a ‘just for fun’ blogger, here are some tips to get you back to blogging.
Keep It Short
Bloggers often fall to the misconception that their posts should be 6-7 paragraphs long to really entertain and grab the readers. False. The longer your post the faster you will lose your readers. It’s all about quality and not quantity, keep it short and entertaining.
Schedule It
Majority of working people create a ‘to do list’ each day, whether it is mentally or written down on paper. Stay at home moms and bloggers need to make a list that incorporates blogging time frame. Creating a list will help you actually visualize your task and you are most likely going to take the time if you do this.
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Write It Down
Every writer’s nightmare is in a form of a mental block. We all hate when we have hit that writer’s block and the words don’t seem to form when you are sitting in front of the screen. To avoid writers block which leads to less blogging, write everything down. Doesn’t matter what it is, write it down. If you see something that you like, take note. If your child asks an interesting question write it down. Look back at your list of writings the next time you blog and you are sure to have your next post ready.
Writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all.
Charles Bukowski, The Last Night of the Earth Poems
Kids Excuse
Some bloggers and stay at home mom’s voice that they just don’t have the time anymore to sit down and type because they have to deal with kids. Well there is a chance that your kids are not always requiring your attention. Make the time to blog when your kids are napping. Once they are old enough to be unsupervised for a certain time period, close the door and write.
Guest Writers
Sometimes bloggers are just burnt out from hearing their own voices (in their heads talking) and their fingers doing the walking. Take a minor break by allowing guest writers to post on your blog. This is an excellent way to keep your readers happy and your sanity intact. Be wary of posting too many guest posts, use them sparingly.
Need more blogging tips? Subscribe to my email list today and receive them FREE, right in your inbox. And be sure to follow me on Pinterest.
Blogs with the most readership and constant follow are the blogs that blog often and blog interesting content. Posting a blog article two times a week is ideal; it’s just the right amount of information for readers. So follow these tips and start writing. Happy blogging!
About the Author: Kelsey is the editor in chief for findananny. She loves to write article and ideas that parents & nannies would be interested in hearing. Kelsey helps society on giving information about nannies through findananny. She is a professional writer & loves writing on anything.
Great ideas. I have been blogging for a mere three months now so I am no where near burnout. I could see that it would get tedious after so many months or years.
Since I am new my main obstacle is trying to find things that other people are interested in to blog about. My blog started out about earning a little extra income online while being a SAHM but I have revamped it to include more about my kids, recipes, and just trying to balance it all as a whole. I am so fortunate to have these amazing Blog Hops to guide me along the way.
Stopping by from the Friday Blog Hop Til You Drop!
Great ideas. I have been blogging for a mere three months now so I am no where near burnout. I could see that it would get tedious after so many months or years.
Since I am new my main obstacle is trying to find things that other people are interested in to blog about. My blog started out about earning a little extra income online while being a SAHM but I have revamped it to include more about my kids, recipes, and just trying to balance it all as a whole. I am so fortunate to have these amazing Blog Hops to guide me along the way.
Stopping by from the Friday Blog Hop Til You Drop!