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Looking for Something?
I know what it’s like to get started. As a blogger myself, I was in beginner’s shoes once. Starting as a new mom who hired a website designer, I quickly discovered that I wanted to make it easy, convenient, and simple for anyone to start their own boss babe empire or develop their passion.
How many times as a blogger have you struggled with trying to figure out what to post? We have all experienced writer’s block at one point or another in our blogging career. Today I thought I would share a few blog post ideas to rejuvenate and get those creative juices flowing again. These ideas can also inspire you if you’re a new blogger and do not know where to start. Here are 20 blog post ideas that could work for just about any niche with a tweak here and there.
Blog Post Ideas
Blog posts can be a variety of things. Sometimes we tend to overthink things and worry that what we write may not relate to our followers. To help you get out of a blogging rut, here are 20 blog post ideas that will inspire you.
Your favorite go-to outfits for working from home
Review a new outfit purchase
How to shop for clothes on a budget
The best place to buy comfortable clothes
A tour of your workspace/office
Your favorite tools or office supplies you use regularly
What are your favorite apps to use to run your business
Blog Post Ideas
Other Places For Inspiration
You can also look for blog post ideas on Pinterest. Take a look under the trending tab to see what searches are trending. Use the search bar to search for ideas using a keyword. You can also do the same thing with Google search.
Another great place to look for blog post ideas is motivational quotes that have inspired you. For example, Dr. Seuss quotes or quotes from a mentor. You will be amazed at how many ideas will come to mind.
For more blog post tips and tons of blogging resources, join my email list! It’s FREE! And be sure to follow me on Pinterest.
Sometimes we tend to overthink things and worry that what we write may not relate to our followers. Just be yourself. Your blog post does not always have to be something positive. Share struggles you may face. People can relate to the same struggles that you may face.
Ask your followers! What a better way to find out what they need than to ask! Send a friendly email or post on social media. You will be surprised at how many ideas will start flowing in!
I hope this post has helped those experiencing writer’s block and are struggling with what to write. Share your struggles and where you find inspiration in the comment section. I would love to hear from you!
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xoxo, april